PERSONAL | Dettmer Day 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

Come on, heavy laden
Don't wait for tomorrow
Come on, my brother
Come on and follow

- Ben Rector -

Today marks the one month anniversary since the adoption of our 3 (ex-foster system)  kiddos.

We lovingly referred to the day as "Dettmer Day".

Our adoption was on the docket for 8:30am, which meant we had to leave our house at 5:30am to make the three-hour drive. We expected the kids (at least 2-year-old DJ) to sleep on the way there. 


We were all WAY too excited for that!!

The fog ended up making some gorgeous scenery once the sun began to shine.

The waiting :)

DJ randomly (and quite adorably) kept nuzzling up to Dad while we waited. It was so sweet! I think he know more about what's going on than we give him credit for ;D

^ The last picture of all three kiddos before they shared the last name of Dettmer!! :D ^

 The Judge was so fun with the kids; he let Michael and Audrey sit with him and pretend to preside over the hearing. Audrey really hammed it up and even asked for paper to "take notes" (draw pictures) :)

Big Bird also took part in the event. 

There are no words to describe the feelings and emotions in that courtroom. We chuckled at the kids, we cried at my dad's heart-felt testimony of how these kids are an answer to years of prayer, we held our breaths as we waited for the declaration that they were our family, forever.


All 5 of the Dettmer Kids! Left to right: Isabel Faith, David Jeremiah, Michael Joshua, Audrey Hope, and Isaac David :)

The kids and their caseworker, "Uncle Joe" - We were so blessed to get to know him! He has been amazing and the kids adore him!

US :0

Calling people to share the news :)

After a drive-thru breakfast, we surprised the kids with a trip to the Saint Louis Zoo. 

We ended the day with a late lunch at Culver's, and were surprised to come home to a poster-clad door with Scooby Snacks (human ones) and confetti poppers as left by some sweet friends. I was too excited and exhausted to remember to take pictures, but I doubt that we'll forget :)

In an effort to solidify the memories of this emotionally-rich day, I captured some moments on film and made this video:

I first heard the song "Follow You" by Ben Rector on the documentary The Drop Box, and I just knew it was what needed to be on this video. Our sweet kiddos have had great burdens, some they don't even know about and won't know about until they are much older. The lyrics: "Leave all your trouble, leave all your sorrow, set down your burden, come on and follow" - we want them to be able to heed that call in their lives. Our prayer is that one day they can know the great freedom we have in laying our burdens at the cross.

They have a great new daddy named Dusty Dettmer. But they have an even greater Heavenly Father who can carry their burdens. 

We know He'll do it, and we just can't wait to see it happen. 

The End

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